Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Inthecloset contest on FanFiction.net

Good morning!  If you're in search of some awesome slash/femslash one-shot hotness, check out the inthecloset contest at http://www.fanfiction.net/~intheclosetcontest.  Yours truly has submitted an entry, but under the rules of anonymity I can't tell you which is mine....just go check out the stories and remember to vote starting on September 5! 


Warm Me Up, Cool Me Down - Chapter 6


Stoplight red. Stoplight red. Stoplight red. Come on, little light, turn. Turn. Turn. You’re killing me.

My left foot was tapping on the floor of my car. I could tell people on the sidewalk were staring – it sounded like a woodpecker was loose in the car pounding away. No, folks, it’s just the tense vampire. Pardon me.

Here I was on my way to see Esme and Carlisle, the parents who had welcomed me into their lives so many years ago. Theirs were the hands that embraced me warmly when I showed up on their doorstep; theirs were the eyes I had grown to love in their amber beauty. I wasn’t just like them, I was one of them, and they let me know it every day.

“It’ll be okay, it’ll be okay, it’ll be okay,” I was chanting under my breath, fidgeting in my seat. My eyes were roving, from the road to the rearview mirror to the side mirror to the rearview mirror to the road to my fingernails…I didn’t think nervous is a strong enough word.

Why was I being like this? I was a mess, a pixie hot mess. Even my hair was clenched. Wasn’t I the one who could see the future? Come on, Alice. Get it together.

Why then?

And then it hit me. I should not be allowed this. I should not have the luxury of love. I was a bloodsucker – an ethical vampire, but an undead bloodsucker nonetheless. More than that, I was gay. I was a lesbian. A freak among freaks. And I was bringing someone into my life whom I was condemning to this existence.

The thing was, it was much more than an existence for me for the past 6 months. That time with Bella had altered me in ways I could never have imagined, visions or not. I had never lain awake at night holding someone. There were many, many women – and a few men – in my bed over the years but none of them held a candle to my Bella. My Bella. She was mine, and I was hers.

She could have anyone on the planet, and she chose me. She chose me. Of course, I didn’t put up much of a fight – my heart was hers the moment I laid eyes on her. I never wanted another lover as much. And for some unknown reason, she wanted me too.

The haze was forming in my peripheral vision…here we go, another glimpse. Esme’s asking me if I know what I’m doing. Does Bella know about me? Of course, I assure her. She kind of noticed I’m a tad chilly.

Carlisle is reaching out his hand to me, taking mine.

And that’s it. My eyes refocus, and I continued driving. Why wasn’t it playing all the way out? I had seen it play out so many times before…why this time did it cut off there? What’s wrong?

“Crap.” It’s all I could say.

I grabbed my phone off the passenger seat. Flipping it open, I press and hold 4 – it’s Edward’s number. He of all people could help me out on this one.

“Hey, Alice,” he answered nonchalantly, the little bastard. He knew how much I was fretting.

“Edward. Spill.”

He paused. It was less than a second of a pause, but he knew it would be enough to drive me further up the wall. He knew just which buttons to push with me, he always had.

“About what?” he teased. Bastard.

“Edward Anthony Masen Cullen,” I yelled into the phone. “You know very well what I’m talking about!”

“Tsk tsk, little pixie. Such language.” I was going to demolish his car for this, first chance I got. When I heard Jasper chuckle in the background, I vowed to make sure his BMW was on the chopping block as well.

I breathed in and out. Saccharin sweetness was my next move. “Oh dearest brother of mine, please do tell how your conversation with our parents went.”

“Oh, that,” he chuckled. “Well, sister, I think things are going to be fine. Just be open, be honest, and remember that they love you.”

That was it? That was all I was going to get from him? “Edward, how did it go? I’m dying here! I’m on the road, with all these innocent pedestrians nearby, and I’m about to swerve onto the sidewalk. Pleeease, Edward, please tell me!”

Again with the chuckle. “I’m telling you, everything will be fine. They have questions, and rightly so. Just be prepared to answer honestly.” His voice softened. “They love you. They trust you. You have to trust them, too, Alice.”

I sighed, my fear edging away slightly. “Thanks, Edward. That’s all I needed to hear.”

“Good, baby sister. Now get over here.”

I gasped. What? “Um, Edward, where exactly is here?” I knew the answer before I even asked.

“Why, Alice, I’m sitting here with Mom and Dad. Love you. Bye.” Click.

That little prick. Did he not know to leave the freaking room to take my call?


Edward POV

Everyone’s eyes were on me as I flipped my phone shut. I scanned the room, the three faces that were glaring at me open-mouthed. “What?” I asked

“Edward,” Esme started, “why did you do that? You know how nervous she is!” Mom was always admonishing me about my treatment of Alice.

I sat back, crossed my ankle over my other knee, and threw my arm over the back of the couch around Jasper’s shoulders. “She’s okay, Mom,” I reassured her, probably a little dismissively.

Jasper smacked my thigh. I knew he did it just to appease Mom, to make her think he was chastising me, but I heard his thoughts. Darlin’, she’s going to get you good for that, and probably me if she heard me laughing. Damn, she’s going to kill your car again.

“Son,” Carlisle spoke clearly, “how did she sound?”

I waved my hand and rolled my eyes. “She’s nervous, yes, but she knows she can trust you both. I really just hope you remember to trust her, too.”

“I will not assume that I understand this fixation on a human, son, but you are right. She deserves our respect and assistance if this is what she really wants. There is much to discuss today.”

Jasper rose, making some excuse about forgetting to turn off the lights on his car, but I knew better – he was going to lock the overhead garage door so Alice couldn’t get to our babies before she had a chance to cool down. I was grateful – Emmie would never let me live it down if Alice mangled another one of our vehicles over my mouth.

The last time she went all Alice on my car, she took the steering wheel to Emmie at the bar, presenting it to him like a trophy. My crime? I had “redone” her closet so that her silks were mixed with her satins. Her color coded system was in complete disarray by the time I was finished. It was a boring Sunday and I needed something to do.

Jasper had left the house when he walked by Alice’s room and saw what I was up to. He got as far away from the scene of the crime as possible. He loved me, but he wasn’t about to go down with me. Later that night he went down on me, but that is a different story altogether. My steering wheel now resided on the wall just to the right of the entrance to The Flow, Emmie’s little joke at my expense.

I started the fight, and Alice finished it. That was just her style. I knew she was stronger than she gave herself credit for, so I didn’t fret about giving her a little grief right now. Mom and Dad had open hearts and open minds, and they would help her make this work – I was the mind reader, after all.


Alice POV

I hit the accelerator again. This light turned green much faster than the last. Thank goodness.

Haze….Bella greeting me at the door this evening, eyeing me expectantly. I throw my arms around her, kissing her shoulder as I bury myself in the safety of her arms. She laughs; her arms come up to clutch my shoulder blades.

With that one vision, I knew I was doing the right thing. The fear left my body as I exhaled

slowly, and my posture shifted. The fearsome little vampire suddenly transformed into the fearless pixie.

I had nothing to fear. My family loved me and understood me more than any others on earth.

Pulling into the driveway, I took in the warm glow of the house. My family was inside. My family. They were the people who mattered most in this world, aside from my lover who was waiting for me at our home.

I shifted into park, opened my door, squared my shoulders, and danced up the sidewalk and steps. Esme greeted me at the door, putting her arms around my shoulders and bringing me in for a tight mother hug. Carlisle stood behind her, a warm smile greeting me.

Behind them, I spied my brothers. Jasper and Edward rose from the sofa and stood with their arms draped around each other’s waists. Jasper grinned and he tipped his head forward a bit in greeting – always the Southern gentleman.

Edward gave me the thumbs up.

Edward was right. Mom and Dad would understand, but I needed to get the words out of my mouth.

I am Alice Cullen, I am a vampire, and I deserve love. I deserve Bella.

Is that what an out of body experience felt like? Esme was tugging me into the house, her hands on my shoulders. Carlisle motioned for us all to go into the living room. I plastered a smile onto my face, took a deep but unnecessary breath, and took a seat on the couch. Edward sat down next to me, Jasper on his other side. It was as if the two men were showing their solidarity with their little sister, and I liked it. Maybe I wouldn’t go all hellpixie on Edward for the stunt he pulled earlier.

Coming back down and centering myself, I looked across at Carlisle and Esme. They love me. They’re not going to stop loving me. Let’s just get this over with.

“Mom? Dad? I, um, I have something I need to talk to you about.”

Esme grasped Carlisle’s hand but looked at me with nothing but peace in her eyes.

“First, I want you to know how much I love you. You two are the most amazing parents and friends a vampire could have.”

Carlisle’s face softened. “Alice, you are our little kitten. Having you with us makes this family whole.”

Wow. Dad’s so sweet sometimes.

“I don’t feel like I’m being totally honest with you about something, and I just want to apologize for that. Mom, Dad….I’m gay.”

I don’t know what it was like for humans to say those words and mean them, really mean them, but for me it was like the opening of a door. It was as if a thousand pound weight was being lifted off my shoulders. I could bear it for eternity, but once it was gone I hadn’t realized just how much I was weighed down by it. I felt as if I could float.

The door was opening for me; I felt as if I was laying out in full sunshine with my diamond skin sparkling for the world to see. I was whole. Being a lesbian did not make me less of a vampire, and being a vampire did not make me less of a woman. Being honest with myself and my family made me complete.

Esme had risen from her sofa and was now kneeling before me. She took my hands in hers, squeezed them, and her eyes were so loving as she spoke. “My dear, dear Alice, thank you for being open with us. I must say I have had my suspicions for a while, but dear heart, nothing has changed. If anything, I feel closer to you now because you are being open with us.”

I’m not sure if I heard her correctly. Edward was poking me in the ribs with his elbow. Yeah, you were right, Edward. They are pretty cool, I told him silently.

“Alice,” Carlisle smiled at me from across the room. “I think I speak for Esme as well when I tell you that as your father of sorts I am very proud of you for your honesty. I hope you did not worry very much about what our reaction would be.”

I paused. This was the tricky part. “Well, to be honest, I wasn’t too worried about that. But there is more.”

Esme returned to Carlisle on their couch, and again their hands were clasped. “Go ahead dear,” Esme said. Oh, they knew what was coming, all right. I could just tell.

I looked at Edward and Jasper. Edward nodded, and Jasper’s eyes were flitting back and forth from Mom and Dad to me. Both were encouraging me to continue.

I got it out in one sentence. “I’ve been living with someone for 6 months and I’m completely in love and I know you’ll love her too and her name is Bella and she’s human and she really wants to meet you.”

Crickets chirped outside. A car drove past our driveway going 47 miles per hour. A bird landed on the back deck railing. The grandfather clock in the sitting room chimed. No sound was coming from my parents, however. It was a bit…uncomfortable.

I started again. “What I meant to say was…”

Carlisle interrupted me. “Alice, just give us a moment. When Edward and Jasper mentioned this to us we were concerned.”

Esme added, “I think terrified would be a better description, dear.”

He nodded at her. “But we want to understand this. Alice, I am not going to begin to ask about the intimate portions of your life with Bella. I assume since you have been with her for 6 months without incident that you are able to….control yourself in certain ways?”

“Dad, there’s not a single part of me that wants to drink her blood. You and Mom showed me how to be strong about that decades ago.” It was true, despite the occasional twinge in my throat and the fact that her blood smelled to me of the richest perfume in the world, I would never hurt my love in that way. She was not there for my consumption; on the contrary, it was I who would serve her for the rest of time if she would have me.

“She makes me happy, and for the first time in my life my whole being has been consumed by the need to make someone else happy. I cannot describe it.”

Esme squeezed Carlisle’s hand gently and the two shared a loving glance at each other. “You do not need to describe it, Alice,” Esme replied with a gentle smile at her husband.

“Mom, Dad, I know the risks. Bella understands the risks. She has told no one of who we really are.” If I could cry, I would be sobbing right now. My heart was overflowing with love for my Bella, and with fear that my family would reject her. So far Edward and Jasper had been somewhat lukewarm to the idea of my love for a human, but I was still trying to gauge the reactions of my parents.

Carlisle returned his gaze to me. “Alice, we just want you to be safe. The implications of being with a human in the way you are could be disastrous, not only for you but for the entire family. If something were to happen between you two, if you were to break up, what is to keep Bella from letting others know what we really are? Safety is my main concern here, both for us and for Bella.”

I understood where he was coming from. Thankfully my beautiful brother Edward came to my rescue. “I don’t think that will be an issue. From what I’ve seen of both Alice’s and Bella’s thoughts, I do not see them separating.”

And just like that the haze was closing in on me again. Bella and I are in a strange car, pulling up to Carlisle and Esme’s house. She is leaning over to kiss my cheek as she opens the passenger door. She steps out onto the sunlit driveway and….sparkles???

I should have been appalled, I think. A normal reaction would have been to be terrified and disgusted that something was going to happen to rip Bella’s humanity away. As the haze lifted, however, I found myself sitting there with my hands under my thighs like a schoolgirl, smiling.

“Alice?” Jasper asked. “You okay? You kind of zoned out for a minute.”

Edward was glaring at me. “Yes, Jasper, she’s fine,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

Edward, don’t. Just don’t. Just let me have a minute and then we’ll talk. He nodded ever so slightly and his facial expression returned almost back to normal.

I was back to business. “So, that’s what I came to talk to you today about. I love her, I really do, and I would very much like for you two to meet her.”

“Of course, darling,” Esme reassured me. This was going much better than I could have hoped. “When would you like to bring her over?”


I turned the key in the lock to our apartment, and before I could begin to push it an inch it was ripped wide open by my beautiful Bella. Just as I had seen earlier, she was eyeing me expectantly. I threw my arms around her, kissing her shoulder as I buried myself in the safety of her arms. She laughed, her arms coming up to clutch my shoulder blades.

“Baby!” she giggled as I kept walking and pushing her into the apartment. “How did it go?”

My right leg reached back, caught the edge of the door, and whipped it shut. My beautiful Bella, the joy of my heart, was running her hands up and down my back. “It was incredible,” I assured her.

She pulled back and looked intently at me. “So they know? And they’re okay with…with everything?”

I clutched her back into my arms, kissing her ear. “Yes, baby, and they want to meet you. Did you hear me? They want to meet you tomorrow!” Suddenly I realized that maybe that’s too soon for her, perhaps she needed a little time to prepare to meet the in-laws. “But we can wait if you’d like, I mean, we don’t have to go over tomorrow. I can tell them we’ll come over next weekend or something,” I stammered.

She laughed. “Oh my God, Alice! I’ve been waiting to meet your parents for six months, silly!”

Bella and I swayed back and forth, our jubilation flowing between our bodies. At this moment I was so filled with ecstatic energy I could barely keep myself together, but I knew I couldn’t unleash the power of the pixie altogether or I would crush my lover.

Suddenly Bella went tense. “Oh no, what am I going to wear?” She pulled me down the hallway, our laughter floating behind us. In the bedroom she flipped on the closet light and started feverishly yanking outfits out. My clothes having been neatly put away while I was gone, the floor was now littered with skirts, dresses, pants, and blouses as Bella eyed her clothing one by one and threw them down.

She was beautiful in her focus. I knew she wanted to make a good impression on my family, but I was getting a bit impatient – okay, a LOT impatient.

I stepped behind her as she flicked a hanger from right to left, then moved on to the next one. She appraised the blouse, tsked softly, then flicked it left to join the other rejects. My hands reached around her and rest atop hers, stilling her mad clothing dash.

My beautiful Bella sighed and I felt her relax slightly. “You’re right,” she chuckled. “I kind of pulled an Alice there, didn’t I?” She rested the back of her head on my shoulder.

“No, Bella,” I brushed her long, silken hair off the side of her neck so I could press my lips there. “You are….” Kiss. “One hundred percent…” Kiss a little lower. “Your own woman.” Kiss. “And I love you.” My other hand moved to her waist, my palm gliding lightly toward her warm, flat belly where it rested.

I kissed down the side of her neck ever so slowly. I wanted to calm her down, and it was working for the most part, but the closer I got her shoulder the more I just wanted her.

Bella had perfected the art of the slow, seductive turn. It was like a sexy little corkscrew move. It always made me weak in the knees and left my panties in a bunch. I think it had something to do with the way the movement started at her face – turning slightly to watch me out of the corner of her eye, then proceeded so that her shoulders joined the rotation, then her hips, then her knees, until she faced me.

We were no longer jubilant or nervous. We were simply Alice and Bella. Her eyes flicked back and forth from my lips to my eyes, and she did that thing that made me wet every time: her bottom lip tucked into her mouth and she bit down gently. I’m the strong one, right? Well, when my little human started guiding me backward toward the bed I had absolutely no will or power to resist her.

There was nothing in the world that could captivate me like the slow burn of Bella’s gaze. She thought I’m stronger than she is, that somehow being a vampire made me more of a woman because I could crush granite. The truth is, she held me with a tighter grip than she could ever imagine.

She owned me; there was no doubt about it. This gorgeous, sexy, brilliant woman owned every part of my mind, body, and soul.

Warm Me Up, Cool Me Down - Chapter 5

Meanwhile, back at the club…..

Jasper and Edward were wrapping up another fabulous evening at The Flow. It had been great to see Alice again after their two-week vacation in Canada. After she left to go home, Edward and Jasper stayed behind to catch Emmie up on their trip. When they had their fill of the news of who was fucking who, the two men got up to leave.

“Good night, Emmie,” Jasper drawled with a smile before giving Emmie a peck on the cheek.

“Night, Emmie, be good!” Edward said as he kissed Emmie’s other cheek. With his hand on Jasper’s back they made their way toward the door.

Emmie blew them a kiss. “Oh, my dear boys, I’m always good.” He called back as he sat back down to be admired by his harem of leather-clad boy toys.

As they approached the exit door, Edward brought his hand up behind Jasper to rest on Jasper’s shoulder, and Jasper did likewise to Edward. As Edward knew would happen, Felix stepped out of the shadow to partially block their way.

Jasper said with a friendly but warning smile, “Night, Felix.”

“Night Jasper,” Felix replied dismissively, his eyes on Edward. Raising one eyebrow, he asked, “So Edward, no good night kiss?”

Jasper flashed him his pearly whites. “Felix, you’re right, I think Edward does need a good night kiss.” As Felix grinned and leaned into Edward, Jasper turned Edward’s face toward himself with his fingertips under Edward’s chin. Jasper claimed Edward’s mouth triumphantly with his own. “Mmmmm,” Edward moaned into Jasper’s open mouth. The two men were going to give Felix a good show, and hopefully get him the fuck off their back. It was a delicious dance the three men played – one that Felix would never win.

Felix backed up quickly, rolling his eyes. “All right, you two, have a good night.” Jasper was still fucking Edward’s mouth with his tongue. “I said good night, guys.” Felix tried again.

No response, except for soft moans from both Jasper and Edward, their faces still melded with each other. They were way into this little game.

“Ah, for the love of Christ, I get the point!” Felix said as he threw up his hands. Edward drew his face away from Jasper’s slowly, peppering his lips with gentle kisses before pulling away completely. Edward leaned down to place a soft, lingering kiss to Jasper’s shirt-clad shoulder. Jasper looked up at Felix with a territorial grin. “Believe me, Felix, it’s going to be a great fucking night.” And then dismissively drawled, “You, uh, you take care, all right?” He grinned like the Cheshire cat as he led Edward out the door.

Jasper 1, Felix 0.

Outside the club, Jasper and Edward walked down the dark alley with their arms around each other’s waists. “Damn, baby, that was pretty hot,” Edward said as his hand slid lower to cup Jasper’s ass.

“Oh, Edward, Edward, Edward, I do what I have to do to keep my man safe from predators,” Jasper said with a grin. He strode confidently toward the sidewalk at the end of the alley.

“So, babe, I just have to say, that was one hell of a show you put on for Alice tonight,” Edward complimented Jasper. “She really has no fucking clue that Mom and Dad know she’s gay.” Edward and Jasper looked at each other and broke out into laughter.

Jasper grinned. “For a pixie with a gift for seeing the future, she is totally blind on this one.”

The vampires kept walking and laughing.

Edward’s mood shifted. “Yeah, I think she’s got her head so far up Bella’s ass right now she’s not seeing things clearly,” he said with a slight scowl.

Jasper squeezed Edward’s hand. “Darlin’, don’t be like that, she’s just a little preoccupied.”

“Preoccupied? I have seen more of Bella in my head in the last six months from my little forays into Alice’s mind than I can stomach. It’s like she’s projecting these images into my fucking skull, they’re so vivid. Babe, if I could throw up I would.” Edward was starting to whine. “I don’t want the pussy, babe. I want the cock. I wish to God that I could block Alice.”

Jasper stopped, chuckled, and pulled Edward into an embrace. Edward pouted and nuzzled into Jasper’s neck. “It’s like Alice and Bella are fucking rabbits and all I keep getting are these snapshots of boobs and snatch. It’s disgusting. Make it go awaaaayyy”

Laughing out loud, Jasper patted Edward on the back gently. “Oh, it’ll be all right, darlin’. Let’s go see if I can get your mind off that mean old pussy.”

Edward smiled into Jasper’s neck. Jasper pulled back from Edward, gently cupped his hands around Edward’s cheeks, and gave him a peck on the forehead. Jasper’s hand roamed down to the bulge in Edward’s pants. “Now come on, I think you need a good healthy dose of cock.” He grabbed Edward’s ass and the two men walked just a little more quickly to their car.

Before Jasper could even pull his Aston Martin One-77 away from the curb, Edward was leaning over onto the driver’s side with his head in Jasper’s lap.


Jasper sped down the city streets, groaning as Edward raised his head from between his legs. “I fucking never get tired of road head.”

Edward sat back up, his eyes closed, and leaned back against the headrest, a very satisfied smirk on his face. “Yeah, I think that did the trick, babe.”

“You’re telling me,” Jasper mumbled, his own smirk evident as he tucked himself back into his pants with one hand while he drove.

“Damn, I’m not gonna be able to walk when we get there,” Jasper chuckled. “Whew!”

As he said the words, he pulled up in front of their “parents’” home, a craftsman wonder in the Seattle suburbs. Esme had purchased the home over 60 years ago as a gift for Carlisle, and it was one of her favorite homes to return to when they had to move. Its interior was warm, with deep wood accents in each room and hallway. Carlisle appreciated the masculine energy of this home, and had to admit it was his favorite, as well.

“Okay, babe, let’s get you out of this car,” Edward said. “And you so owe me a blow when we get home tonight.”

Jasper was in front of Edward in less than a second, palming his partner’s crotch. “Edward, you’re going to get much more than head tonight,” he said devilishly. “This southern boy is gonna fuck you stupid.”

Edward blew out an unsteady breath. “Fuck, Jazz.” He cleared his throat as he gazed longingly into his lover’s eyes. “Um we need to get up to the porch. Do NOT make me walk into the folks’ place with wood, baby. Please.” Edward was begging.

Jasper took one more swipe against the hardness he felt in Edward’s pants. “You just settle down out here for a bit. I’ll see you inside.” Jasper sprinted up the sidewalk and was in the door before Edward moved again. He bent over, his hands on his waist, breathing in and out, trying to get the straining organ in his pants to go down. One thought did the trick. Alice flashed a picture of Bella moaning underneath her, her hair splayed out over the red sofa cushion, and in an instant Edward was standing straight up, his dick limp and disgusted.

This was going to be a long night.

Edward joined Jasper inside the entryway, Jasper chuckling under his breath. “Darlin’, everything all right?”

Edward lifted on side of his mouth in a repulsed sneer. “Alice,” was all he needed to say.

“Ahh, yeah, I felt you go from lust to nausea in less than a second, babe. I should have known.” He patted Edward on the back and reached for his hand. “Now let’s get this over with.” The vampires walked further into the entryway, seeking their adopted parents.

“Edward! Jasper!” Esme gushed as she glided toward them from the kitchen. Her smile was contagious and the men greeted her with enormous smiles of their own. “What a pleasant surprise! And to what do we owe this visit?” She reached up to pat each on the cheek before wrapping her arms around the pair.

“Mom, is Dad here?” Edward asked.

“Yes, honey, he is in his study.”

Edward smiled. “Is he busy? We wanted to talk to you two about something.”

“Well let us see if he is,” she replied somewhat warily as she started toward the study. She looked back over her shoulder with concern. “Is everything all right with you two?”

Edward and Jasper both smiled to reassure her. “Yes, Mom, we’re just fine. We just wanted to run something by you both.”

“Oh, well, all right,” Esme responded. She still did not believe them that everything was all right. She walked into the study to the sight of her husband leaning back in his chair, poring over a medical textbook, his feet crossed on his desk. Carlisle looked up from his medical book. “Boys, what a wonderful surprise,” he spoke with a smile. Carlisle Cullen looked only 10 years older than his adopted sons, and it had cause more than a few stares from curious neighbors and horny housewives.

He closed his book and put his feet back on the floor, standing up and moving around the desk to greet the two men he had adopted decades earlier. “How are you both? How was Canada?”

Jasper squeezed Edward’s hand and sniggered. “Canada was amazing, Dad,” Edward replied.

“Breathtaking,” Jasper added. His breath had been taken away quite a few times in Canada, that was sure.

“Mom, Dad, can we go into the living room? We wanted to talk to you about something.” Edward motioned with his head toward the hallway.

The four vampires made their way to the living room and sat down – Esme and Carlisle on the overstuffed beige sofa on one side of the fireplace, Edward and Jasper on the sofa opposite it.

“You’re not pregnant, are you?” Carlisle quipped. Esme looked at him with wide eyes, slapped his leg, and turned back to the boys. “Go ahead dears, your father’s in a mood today.”

The two vampires chuckled. “No, Dad, but it’s not from lack of trying,” Edward replied facetiously. “We’re not sure how to tell you this. Alice….um…”

“What about Alice? Is she okay? Edward, what is going on?”

Edward cleared his throat. “Mom, Dad, Alice is….in love.”

Silence filled the room.

“That’s wonderful!” Esme was beaming. “Oh my, I didn’t realize she was dating! Oh, I’m so happy for her! When can we meet the lucky girl?”

Jasper and Edward sat in silence, and then turned to one another. “You tell them, Jazz,” Edward pleaded.

Damn you, Edward, Jasper screamed in his mind.

“Okay, it’s like this. Alice is in love. Which is great. I’m just, I’m not sure how you’re going to take the news.”

Esme blinked. Carlisle ended the silence. “Boys, what do you need to tell us? Please, the suspense is killing your mother and me.”

Hold your shit together, Edward, Jasper thought. Here goes.

“She’s in love,” Jasper said, pausing. He squeezed Edward’s hand tightly.

Edward finished. “With a human.”

Esme blinked again. And again. Carlisle stared at his sons, and then softly chuckled.

”Is it April Fool’s Day? This is a joke, am I correct? You two are too much.” He laughed loudly. Realizing he was the only one laughing he slowly quieted and furrowed his brows at his sons.

Edward’s eyes softened. “I wish that were the case, Dad. But no, Alice is definitely over the moon for a human. And from the way she talks, the feelings are definitely mutual.”

“No. No, this can’t be. Oh, Alice, what are you doing?” Esme moaned, bowing her head and reaching up to hold it in her hands. “Why can’t she just be gay?”

Edward continued, trying to reassure his parents. “We don’t like it anymore than you do, but we’re the first ones to admit that you can’t chose who you love. Who would have known when Jasper came into our lives that he and I would become a pair? And here we are, decades later, still together. I love him and he loves me and I cannot for a second imagine life without him,” Edward spoke softly.

Jasper turned to Edward, love glistening in his eyes, smiling at his lover. I love you, Edward.

Edward returned Jasper’s gaze, and lifted his hand to cup Jasper’s cheek. “I love you too.”

“The difference,” Carlisle stated, “is that you cannot kill each other, or hurt each other physically. What Alice is doing is just…it’s so dangerous!”

Returning his eyes to his parents, Edward continued. “I have spoken to Alice about the risks, and Jasper has tried to reason with her, but the bond she has with this human is undeniable. I didn’t know if we should say anything to you, but Alice wants to be open with you and didn’t know how to bring it up. We sort of volunteered to bring you this…news.”

“Is she….is she being safe?” Esme asked. Esme’s question had nothing to do with pregnancy or STDs. “Her girlfriend isn’t in any risk?”

The boys looked at each other again, not sure how to respond. Jasper spoke. “Alice is coming over today to talk to you about all of this and I’m sure she’ll tell you everything. She wants you to know the truth. Just please, for us, remember that she’s a big girl. As much as we dislike all of this, we owe her respect.”

“Of course, son,” Carlisle insisted. “Alice, though somewhat prone to flights of fancy at times, has always had a good head on her shoulders. I want to talk about this with her. To understand, and to make certain she knows exactly what she is doing. This could end very badly…..” Carlisle’s voice drifted off.


“Alice, baby, you look great. Beautiful,” Bella assured her the following morning as Alice stepped out of yet another dress that joined the dozen others that littered their bedroom floor. “Honey, just calm down.”

Alice stood in just her lavender satin boy shorts and matching bra. “I have absolutely nothing to wear, Bella! Ugh!” She scanned her overstuffed closet, hands on her hips, tapping the toes of her right foot impatiently.

Bella had been patiently watching Alice try on dress after dress all morning. She listened to Alice huff and puff “Too formal,” “Too casual,” and even “Too loud.”

Bella rose from her perch on the edge of their bed and walked across the room to embrace Alice from behind. Her arms wrapped around the little vampire’s waist and she rested her chin on Alice’s cool shoulder.

“Alice, honey, calm down. It’s going to be okay. Didn’t you tell me you had a vision that everything would be okay?” Alice kept tapping her foot. “Babe, are you listening to me?”

Alice sighed. “Yes, honey.” She stopped tapping, and rested her hand on Bella’s clasped hands around her waist. “You’re right. It’s all going to be all right.” She tipped her head back slightly and rested it against Bella’s.

“Okay. So. Let’s see here,” Bella let go of Alice and stepped around her to assess Alice’s wardrobe. “I think….yeah. Wear this. It’s very cute on you.” Bella pulled out a light green sundress with a wide white sash around the waist. “You know, this is what you wore the first time I met you,” Bella smiled and she held the dress up against Alice’s form. “Definitely this one. It’s kind of fitting, if you think about it.”

Alice smiled. Her decision was made. “It’s perfect, Bella.” The pixie took the hanger from Bella and laid the dress out on the bed. “Now come here and kiss me.” She took Bella’s hand and drew her to her, wrapping Bella’s arms around her waist and holding them there with her own.

“Well, my little vampire, if you insist.” Bella kissed Alice’s neck. Alice giggled. Bella’s lips lingered in one spot, and then moved slowly up Alice’s neck toward the sweet spot just under her ear. Alice’s eyes closed and she let her head fall back. A minute ago she was so worked up with anxiety she couldn’t stand still. A few seconds under the expert lips of Bella and she was barely able to stand.

“Oh babe, that feels so good,” Alice whispered. “But if you keep that up I’m never going to make it to Mom and Dad’s.”

“Mmm, Alice…why…is…that?” Bella teased between light, lingering kisses up Alice’s neck, inhaling Alice’s sweet smell, a mixture of freesia and vanilla.

“Baby, you know exactly why. You’re a little evil, you know that?”

Bella swiped her tongue slowly along the outer edge of Alice’s ear. She breathed into Alice’s ear, “Are you worked up, Alice?”

Alice shuddered, her eyes still closed. Bella’s warm fingertips glided over the smooth, pale skin of Alice’s belly. Bella’s lips sucked on Alice’s earlobe and her fingertips made their way to the satin covering Alice’s breast.

Bella teased the nipple that was hidden behind the satin bra cup. Alice sighed in contentment. “Yesss, babe.”

Bella smiled into Alice’s neck. “Let me relax you.” She stepped back and took Alice’s hand, guiding her toward the bed.

“I guess I do have a couple of hours.” Alice wasn’t putting up a fight.

Bella smiled seductively. “Now get up on that bed, my little vamp, and let me work out your kinks.”

Alice giggled and jumped onto the bed, bouncing into the middle. “Panties. Off,” Bella commanded. Alice smiled and complied. Bella took her place kneeling between Alice’s legs.

Two orgasms later, Alice was splayed out on the bed panting. Vampires don’t pant. But Alice was definitely panting.

Bella brought her head up from between Alice’s thighs. “Is that better, baby?” she smirked.

Alice’s hand was still clutching Bella’s long auburn locks as she came down from her most recent orgasm. “Bella…definitely….better,” she stammered.

“Good.” She pushed herself up on her elbows and then back to rest her bottom on her heels. “I think a shower is in order. I’ll go start it up for you.”

Alice sat up. “But babe, what about you?” Alice stroked Bella’s thigh.

Bella smiled and shook her head slightly. “Nope, you need to get going. But believe me, you’re going to be taking care of some business when you get home.” She leaned forward and kissed Alice, letting her tongue trace Alice’s lips.

“Mmmm.” Alice smiled as she took Bella’s tongue in her mouth, tasting herself in her lover’s kiss. “That can so be arranged.”

Alice extricated herself from the bed and showered quickly. She redid her perfect pixie hair, and slipped into her undies and dress. As she assessed herself in the mirror, she thought “Look good, feel good.”

After doing a few spins to check every inch of her outfit, Alice walked out of the bedroom and into the living room. Bella was waiting near the door with her car keys and purse.

“Ready for this?” Bella smiled to assure her.

“As ready as I’ll ever be, sweetheart,” Alice replied.

Bella reached to cup her face gently between her palms. “Now go talk to your folks. I’ll be here when you get home.” Bella kissed Alice gently, swatted her on the behind, and handed her her car keys and purse.

As Alice walked out the door, she blew Bella a kiss. Bella watched the door close and smiled. Things would be all right, Alice had told her. She had seen it. Alice just needed to be reminded of that sometimes. And if Alice’s parents had any problems with their daughter loving a human, maybe it wouldn’t be an issue much longer.

Warm Me Up, Cool Me Down - Chapter 4

“Would you prefer to tell Mom and Dad that you’re a dyke, or that you’re in love with a human?”

Alice sucked in a quick breath and Edward heard her panicked thought: Oh shit.


Alice arrived home that night, somewhat fearful of what was going to transpire between her brothers and her parents. She had seen a good outcome in a vision, but still she could not quite quiet her nerves.

As she slid the apartment door open quietly, she was greeted by the sweet smell of lavender candles and a mixture of honey, strawberries, and orchids...Bella. Bella was the most delectable aroma in the universe.

Her vision adjusted quickly to the flickering lights, the only illumination in the apartment coming from the dozen or so candles scattered around the living room and island of the adjoining kitchen. She smiled slowly and smugly. My girl is here. And she’s mine. And damn this evening is going to be hot.

“Babe?” she spoke softly.

“Shut the door, Alice.” The sultry voice came from the sofa to her left. When she turned to follow the voice, she stopped dead in her tracks.

Bella was lying on the sofa, her legs crossed at the ankles, a red sofa pillow under her head, and her laptop on her belly. She was typing, the soft clickety clack the only sound in the room. She did not look up when she spoke. “See anything you like?”

How could Alice respond to that? Before her was her beautiful, flawless lover. Laid out on the couch. Wearing nothing but a pair of red lace boy shorts. And that was it.

Alice leaned back, not even looking for the door as her hand swiped it closed. “Wow, babe, you, um, you look comfortable.”

“Just comfortable, Alice?” Bella responded. She closed her laptop, set it on the sofa table, and brought her hands up to rest behind her head. From where Alice was standing, Bella knew that Alice only had a side shot of her face and a completely unobstructed view of her breasts that were now on glorious display in this pose.

“I was hoping for ‘ravishing’, or ‘sexy’, but I guess ‘comfortable’ is also a good word.” Bella began rubbing her calves together slowly, bringing her right knee up slightly. She wanted Alice to know how much she was craving friction of some sort between her thighs.

Alice slipped out of her sandals and padded across the floor to Bella. Each step was deliberate. She wanted to take in the amazing sight of her lover from each angle as she almost danced across the room.

She glided to the foot of the couch, standing where she could fully take in the vision that was her lover’s body. Bella met her eyes, and rubbed her legs together slowly, deliberately, before placing her right foot gingerly on the floor. “Alice, I really don’t think comfortable is what I want to be.”

Alice now had an clear view of Bella’s red lace clad sex from the way her legs were open to her. Bella’s position was as much an invitation as it was a demand.

Bella’s hands slowly moved from behind her head, down her shoulders and across her chest until they were crisscrossed on her breasts. Alice almost came unglued when Bella began stroking her own nipples. Reaching out her hand, Alice lightly glided her fingertips from Bella’s toes, up her calf, and she delighted in the soft moan that emanated from Bella’s lips.

“Baby, do you want me?” Bella cooed as her hand left her nipple and travelled ever so slowly down to the elastic of her panties.

Alice leaned forward and crawled onto the couch, slithering up her lover’s body until she was pressing down on her from between Bella’s legs. Alice felt the searing heat of Bella’s pussy against her own through the frustrating clothing she still had on.

With the hand that was not inching down her panties, Bella reached up and laced her fingers through the hair at the nape of Alice’s neck. “Come here, little vampire,” she whispered.

Alice obliged, happily.

She leaned down to capture Bella’s lips with her own, a light brushing that quickly turned into a feverish tangle of lips, tongues, and moans. Bella’s right leg came off the floor and wrapped around Alice’s hips, rubbing up and down in a devilishly slow rhythm. Alice began grinding her hips in unhurried, delicious circles against Bella’s sex.

Bella’s tongue traced a trail from Alice’s lips to her jaw line and up to the sweet spot just below Alice’s ear. She raised her head slightly to place tiny kisses there, reveling in Alice’s delectable taste. “Make love to me,” Bella breathed into Alice’s ear.

Alice’s eyes closed as Bella sucked gently on her earlobe. Her breath caught in her throat as Bella continued her seduction.

Bella reached around Alice as the two women resumed their tender kisses. Alice’s tongue traced Bella’s lips as Bella lowered the zipper on Alice’s dress.

“I love you, Bella,” Alice sighed as she placed tender kisses on Bella’s chin and lips. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”

The two women gazed into each other’s eyes. Alice felt like her heart would explode with adoration for the woman lying underneath her. The way Bella’s eyes crinkled as she smiled filled her with such a sense of belonging and home. She never wanted to leave this magnificent woman.

“Alice, you are my life,” Bella stated softly, cupping Alice’s cheek with her small hand. Alice turned slowly to place a cool kiss in Bella’s palm, her gaze never wavering from Bella’s eyes.

Alice sat up, bringing her hands up to drag the sleeves of her dress down her arms. As the dress pooled around Alice’s waist, Bella admired the gorgeous breasts that she intended to lavish with kisses all night long. Her hand migrated up from Alice’s hip to the outer contour of Alice’s breast and back down. She pulled herself up and placed her warm lips against the skin between Alice’s breasts.

Alice knew that if her heart could beat, it would be beating out of her chest. Her fingertips wove through Bella’s long, mahogany hair, gently pulling closer to her own cold skin. Bella’s head turned and made its way to Alice’s right nipple. Sucking gently, she looked up at Alice through heavily lidded eyelashes. Her chin was kneading Alice’s flesh; her tongue was languorously swishing back and forth along the ridges of the pebble in her mouth.

“Mmmmmm,” Alice moaned as her eyes closed. She brought one leg to the outside of Bella’s thigh, straddling her to feel just a bit more pressure and friction against her own sex.

Bella’s hands moved to Alice’s waist as she let Alice’s nipple slip from her mouth. Looking up at Alice, she shimmied the dress further down. Alice rose up on her knees and slipped the dress down her thighs and off her legs.

“I love you so much,” Bella repeated softly. “I need you, Alice. Tonight and forever.” She slipped her fingers under the elastic of Alice’s panties, pulling them down gently as she leaned forward into her lover’s kiss.

Once she was completely bare before her lover, Alice gingerly lowered the remaining garment separating their two bodies. Bella’s hips rose slightly as Alice leisurely drew her panties down and off her legs.

Alice laid Bella back down on the sofa and began worshipping her body. Her hand cupped Bella’s sex as her cool lips travelled between Bella’s incredible breasts. Bella cocked her head to one side against the pillow, and drew her leg up and over Alice’s hip again. She sighed, a slight moan escaping her lips as Alice’s chilled fingers began making tiny circles around her clit. Her hips rotated slowly, sensually, her breath coming a little harder with the inescapable pleasure she felt.

“I…..love…..you,” Alice whispered between kisses to her lover’s abdomen. “You’re everything…..to me,” she continued as she traced slow figure eights up and down Bella’s torso. Her fingers were moving in an unrushed pace against Bella’s sex.

Neither woman wanted this to end. Bella brought the leg between Alice’s thighs up slightly, reveling in the beautiful chill of her partner’s wet core. “I am yours, completely,” Bella moaned. She was rewarded with two fingers slipping into her drenched hole.

“Ohhhhhhhhh,” Bella whispered at the feeling of Alice filling her. This was so much, almost too much, for her. She felt a single tear teeming at the corner of her eye. “God, baby, you make me feel sooooo good,” she continued, rubbing her sex against Alice’s hand. Alice leaned down and resumed her worship of Bella’s lips with her own.

Bella slipped her hand between them and found Alice’s icy clit with her fingertips. It was wet with Alice’s essence. She wanted her lover to feel the same intimacy and pleasure she was experiencing, and slowly slid two fingers inside Alice as her thumb made small circles around her clit.

The two women locked gazes, neither able to stop moving inside her partner or stop the tranquil movement of her hips. They were fire and ice made one, separate and distinct, yet combined into an inferno of passion and love.

Bella curled her fingers slightly inside Alice, pumping slowly in and out. Alice never blinked, staring down at Bella with an almost concentrated expression. This is heaven, it has to be fucking heaven, Alice thought.

She returned her lover’s motions with gentle pumps in and out of Bella.

Their souls entwined, their bodies began minutely to speed up their movements. Bella pulled Alice down to her lips, kissing her and licking her passionately as their rhythmic motions intensified. As Bella felt the familiar tingling in her abdomen, she rounded her hips more forcefully, Alice responded in kind.

“Oh my god, Bella, you are so beautiful. You love me so beautifully.” If vampires could cry, Alice would shed a few tears right at that moment. She was in another world right now, one in which nothing at all existed but her and her lover.

Their bodies mimicked each other as the women intensified the motions inside each other. “I feel you inside every part of me,” Bella gasped.

Alice touched her forehead to Bella’s. “I feel it too, baby.”

There was nothing sudden about the orgasm that was building inside Bella. It was a slow burn, starting in her abdomen and consuming her entirely as the tingling erupted and she came screaming into Alice’s ready mouth.

Alice was right there with her, moaning and gasping with her lover. The connection was unbreakable, the physical and emotional becoming blurred in the most intense orgasm either woman had ever had.

The two women became one body, rolling with each other through wave after wave of pleasure. Their motions slowed until they slipped from each other’s cores and laid in each other’s arms.

Alice tucked her head under Bella’s chin and Bella held her, placing gentle kisses on the top of her head. She wrapped her slim legs gently around Alice again, not ready or willing to let the moment end.

After what seemed like an eternity, Bella’s breathing returned to its regular pace and Alice heard her heartbeat resume its steady beat. Bella held her lover close, not concerned about the chill that was coming over her.

“Say it,” Alice whispered.

Bella paused, and then realized what Alice was asking of her.

“Alice Brandon…I am yours.”

Alice sighed, content. She kissed her lover’s collarbone gingerly. “And I am yours, Isabella Swan.”

The two women laid together for what seemed like hours, the sounds of the city night outside their apartment dim yet constant. The candles continued to flicker, their lavender aroma mixing with the sweet scent of their lovemaking. When Bella became chilled, Alice pulled the sofa blanket down and lovingly laid it over Bella before resuming her position in her lover’s arms.

As Alice felt her lover slip into slumber, she thought, I need her. Forever.

Warm Me Up, Cool Me Down - Chapter 3

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Warm Me Up, Cool Me Down - Chapter 2

Alice rose from the bed sinuously, like a cat, while Bella slept. Even though Alice knew Bella would become chilled in the cool apartment air, she couldn’t help but pull the sheet down Bella’s body to get one last glimpse of the rockin’ body. Bella was sleeping on her belly, her right knee pulled up slightly toward her side, her elbows out with her hands underneath her pillowed head.

“I love this woman,” Alice thought.

Slipping quietly out of the bedroom, Alice made her way to their small kitchen. Bella was usually a bear if she didn’t have something to eat first thing in the morning, and even though Alice thought Bear Bella was adorable (as was Bare Bella, for that matter), she always wanted to make sure Bella was satisfied in every way.

She ripped the instant oatmeal packet open and poured it into Bella’s favorite bowl – a chartreuse bowl with cartoon cats in the bottom of the bowl. Bella always got a kick out of seeing the cats at the bottom of the bowl when she finished whatever she was eating. “You’re like a kid,” Alice had told her on numerous occasions. Bella would just look up, grin, and nod triumphantly and unapologetically.

Alice added water from the tap, zapped the oatmeal in the microwave, and smiled slightly at the sensation of warmth the boiling hot bowl provided as she pulled it out when it was done. Changes in temperature usually went unnoticed by Alice, her own temperature stuck for eternity at somewhere between ice cold and frigid, but there were certain things that could grab her attention – Bella’s warm body, for example, and Bella’s daily bowl of hot oatmeal. Grabbing a spoon from the sink drainer, she danced to the small kitchenette table and set down her lover’s breakfast.

Their apartment was by no means elaborate or snobbish. Bella did not want that, even though Alice’s wealth could provide them a garish lifestyle the likes of which most girls could only dream about. But Bella was satisfied – content, even – with a small two-bedroom apartment in the heart of Seattle. It allowed Bella the joy of working from home, and both of them access to the Seattle nightlife. Bella’s small home office consisted of a laptop and phone on a handmade desk that Alice had found in a local antique shop. Bella had called it “perfect” the moment she saw that Alice had brought it into the apartment as a surprise for Bella’s 22nd birthday.

Alice had to get out of town every 4 or 5 days to feed, but she gladly gave up easy access to the great outdoors to make Bella happy. Her rewards for this selflessness were Bella’s smiles, her adoration, and the ability to have her lover at home 24/7.

Not wanting Bella to have to “suffer” with a cold oatmeal breakfast, Alice tiptoed back to the bedroom. Bella hadn’t moved since she left.

Alice slid back into bed, making sure no part of her touched her slumbering lover. Using just the tip of her index finger, she lightly traced a line from the back of Bella’s neck to the space between her bare shoulders, stopping her trail when Bella flinched slightly. The corners of her mouth pulling up into a grin, and she kept tracing down, down, down, to Bella’s apple bottom. She traced light circles over Bella’s right bottom cheek, and grinned even more when she heard the titters of Bella’s giggle. Bella clenched her shoulder blades together due to the cold air and the icy finger toying with her.

“Are you awake, babe?” Alice whispered.


“I can keep going, you know,” Alice chuckled. When she palmed Bella’s cheek in her icy cold hand, Bella’s behind leapt up off the bed and she shrieked.

“Agh! Stop that!” Bella laughed and flipped over.

Alice leaned forward, placing a soft kiss over her lover’s plump lips. “Good morning, beautiful.” She met Bella’s gaze, loving their morning ritual. “I have a surprise for you in the kitchen.”

“Oh, could it be….oatmeal?” Bella smiled and stretched.

“Only the best for you, sweetness,” she giggled. She had long ago given up trying to impress Bella with elaborate breakfasts in bed. Bella was happiest with her simple oatmeal breakfasts, and Alice was all about making her happy.

They made their way out of the bedroom, Bella stopping in the bathroom for a “human moment,” and Alice met her in the kitchen. Neither woman bothered getting dressed in more than a t-shirt in the morning. The clothes would just come off once Bella had some food in her stomach, it was bound to happen.

Still, it just seemed inappropriate to eat in the nude. Hence the long white t-shirts.

Bella lifted spoonful after spoonful of her favorite maple oatmeal to her mouth, as she listened to Alice regale her with faint memories of her human life.

Sure enough, as Bella wiped her mouth with the napkin Alice had set out for her, Alice was behind her rubbing her shoulders lightly. Bella’s eyes closed, her head rolled back under the ministrations of her lover, a satisfied grin upon her face.

“Baby, so soon? I did just finish eating,” Bella chided.

Alice leaned down and breathed into her ear, “Bella, you are not done eating at all.”

Her hands wound down the front of Bella’s chest, cupping her breasts, and Bella shivered. “Mmm,” she moaned. Bella had grown accustomed to the chill of Alice’s body, and had actually begun to crave it.

Turning in her chair, Bella pushed Alice’s hands off her chest as she rose. She grabbed Alice’s hand, and the two women ran giggling into the living room, flopping onto the couch, Bella on top. “You filled my belly,” she chuckled ominously into Alice’s open mouth, showering her with tiny kisses. “And now I’m going to fill you, my little pixie.”

Alice’s eyes grew big, and she said as innocently as possible, “But Bella, I’m not a pixie. I’m a vampire.” She couldn’t help but let out a giggle as the words left her mouth.

Bella rolled her eyes again, and planted her lips on Alice’s as she slid so Alice’s left leg was between hers. She started moving her hips slowly, circling, and Alice could feel the delicious warmth of her partner’s sex on her icy skin.

Bella loved that icy feeling. She had had her share of women, and some men, too, and thought nothing compared to the warmth of a woman’s touch. That is, until she felt the luscious ice cubes on her skin that only Alice’s touch could provide.

Bella’s hands reached up between then to cup Alice’s pert little breasts, as she continued her assault on Alice’s mouth. Pulling away between Alice’s gasps, Bella murmured seductively, “God I love you, woman. Even with your shitty jokes.”

Moving down her lover’s body, Bella stopped to pay rapt attention to the breasts she had just been manhandling. She loved how indestructible Alice was, she could be as rough as she wanted. Somehow, Alice was the exact opposite and loved to shower gentle affection on Bella – anything else would be just too much for the human to handle.

Bella licked Alice’s left nipple, then blew a slow stream of warm air on it. Alice’s head fell back into the couch cushion as she moaned. “God, baby.”

Continuing her attention to the nipple, Bella gently took it into her mouth and sucked long and hard, nipping the tip with her teeth. She knew Alice loved that.

Sure enough, Alice’s hips began rising slightly, struggling for friction against Bella.

“Mm-mm-mmmm” Bella moaned her admonition as she continued to suck. She never took her eyes off Alice’s face as she worked her magic on the vampire’s breast. When Alice started moaning “More,” over and over again, Bella moved to the other side and repeated her adoration of Alice’s right breast.

Bella was now up on her knees, her elbows on the couch on either side of Alice’s waist. As much as she loved the pert little breasts before her, she couldn’t wait for the best part of her breakfast, the one that lay writhing below her just a little….further…down.

Bella licked her way to the center of Alice’s breasts, reshuffled on the couch, and began her slow yet playful descent to Alice’s sex. She nipped. She kissed. She nudged. All on the way down to the place she wanted to be most.

As Bella slid down, Alice impatiently scooched further up the couch, trying to speed up the process so Bella could find her sweet spot quicker.

Bella’s long chestnut hair shielded her from Alice’s gaze, and that was exactly what Bella wanted to do right now. She knew what she was going to do; she just wanted for once to surprise her little vampire. The element of surprise was rarely in her favor.

As she approached the mound of tight curls, Bella sighed. “Home,” she thought. “God I love this woman,” she repeated again in her mind.

Alice’s hips were raising rhythmically, the vampire almost unable to control the racing thoughts in her own mind. “Please just touch me….fucking lick me….God you smell so good….please baby, I need you….just fucking lick me….”

As if sensing her partner’s thoughts, Bella dipped her face and swiped the tip of her tongue from Alice’s sweet core to just below her clit. “Mmmmmm,” Alice moaned and twisted her head so her cheek was resting against the couch cushion.

Bella flattened her tongue, and ever….so….slowly dragged it over Alice’s clit. She had already reached her arms under Alice’s thighs in anticipation of her reaction, and was not amazed as Alice’s hips came up off the couch then ground downward in the opposite direction. Bella thought proudly, “Gets her every time.”

Grinning, Bella began slowly circling Alice’s clit with her tongue. Alice could barely hold herself back with the sensation of the warm tongue but wanted to hold out as long as possible before exploding. Alice had the uncanny ability to cum multiple times in their lovemaking, but this morning she wanted to hold back – she had a glimpse of what Bella had in mind, and knew that if she could just keep her cool she would be GREATLY rewarded.

Bella continued to circle…circle…circle Alice’s clit and gently removed her right arm from around Alice’s thigh. She brought it to her mouth, and after licking her index and middle finger, resumed her attention to Alice’s little bundle of icy vampire nerves.

She gently placed her fingers at Alice’s entrance and looked up as Alice brushed Bella’s hair back. Alice wanted to see her, and Bella was damned if she didn’t want to see Alice’s face when she finally took her.

Pushing in slowly, Bella pushed her tongue harder onto Alice’s clit. Alice’s eyes were glazed as Bella started pumping in and out of her dripping wetness. “Ohhhhhhh,” Alice whimpered. Bella sucked Alice’s clit into her mouth and ran her tongue over it as she added another finger….and another…until the only finger left outside Alice’s pussy was Bella’s thumb. The others were thrusting and curling upward to hit that sweet spot that drove Alice insane.

When Bella said she was going to fill the vampire, she didn’t lie.

Alice bent her legs at the knee, and started rising in earnest against Bella’s face, as her body pumped backward and forward against the fingers inside her. “Baby….fuuuuuuuck,” Alice moaned as her eyes closed and her head fell backward again. “Don’t….fucking…..stop.”

Bella had come so many times the night before at Alice’s skilled hands, and this was her chance to return a portion of the pleasure she had been granted last night. The vampire tasted so damned good, and Bella was going to make sure Alice was satisfied.

Jack hammering her fingers into Alice, while Alice writhed underneath her, Bella circled and flicked the vampire’s clit over and over again until she could feel Alice tensing around her. “Ohhhhh myyyyy gahhhhhhhd!” Alice was screaming. Surely the neighbors would hear but Bella couldn’t give a shit less. Her lover’s screams were music to her ears.

Alice’s pumping suddenly stopped, and her muscles tensed incredibly around Bella’s fingers until the pulsing began. Alice could cum like a champ, and Bella had never seen anything so beautiful as this flawless vampire coming for her. Bella kept licking Alice through her orgasm, slowing down, until she felt her lover’s hips again meet the couch.

Alice panted, “Fuck, baby. Holy shit. Good fucking morning to you, too!” Bella chuckled, placed a gentle kiss on her lover’s sex, and slowly pulled out of her. Alice writhed one more time at the loss of Bella’s hot fingers.

Sitting up, Bella licked each finger clean as she looked into Alice’s eyes. “Best…dessert…ever,” she said between fingers.

“You’re pretty proud of yourself there, aren’t you, human?” Alice said with a raised eyebrow, her permagrin impossible to erase from her face.

Bella fell forward onto her vampire, kissing her cheeks and licking her lover’s lips lightly. “You know it, vamp.”

The two women lay tangled with each other on the couch for another hour, exchanging orgasms, and most definitely waking the neighbors.


“Have fun tonight, babe,” Bella called out that evening as she pored over her laptop.

Alice was strapping on a pair of designer leather sandals. She felt somewhat guilty about going out without Bella, but knew that where she was going, Bella would be seen as a delicious treat by too many of her kind. Bella had to catch up on work she had missed over the weekend, anyway, and was on the couch with her feet up on the ottoman, typing feverishly.

“I’ll be back before you know it, hon,” Alice said as she stood.

Bella looked up from her laptop and smiled. “You just have fun. You deserve it, being cooped up in here all day with me.”

“Oh, my dear, believe me when I say it is my pleasure being ‘cooped up’ with you all day,” she grinned.

Alice approached her and stepped one leg over Bella’s outstretched legs. Straddling her, Alice leaned over and placed her lips on Bella’s. “You taste so good,” Alice murmured, as Bella’s mouth opened slightly to allow her lover’s tongue entrance.

Breaking the passionate kiss, Alice whispered, “We’ll finish this later, baby.”

Alice stepped her leg over Bella’s again and strode toward the door, the heels of her strappy sandals clicking on the hardwood floor.

As Alice opened the door to their apartment, Bella called after her “Tell the boys I said hi.”

And with a turn, a wink, and a kiss blown in Bella’s direction, Alice was off.

Warm Me Up, Cool Me Down - Chapter 1

A pair of amber eyes scanned the bed. She gazed from the delicate ankles of the woman lying asleep next to her to her muscular calves. The object of her affection gently sighed, twitched her toes, and the vampire heard the peaceful beat of her lover’s heart resume its steady thud thud…..thud thud.

Alice lay on her right side, her head propped up on her wrist, paying silent reverie to the woman next to her.

Scanning upward, she gazed at the strong calves that just hours ago had been wrapped around her waist as the lovers explored each other. Further up, the sinews of her dancer’s thighs were at absolute rest. Hips twisted slightly on the bed, the sleeping beauty’s graceful curves tipped away from Alice. Alice could not help but remember the taste of her lover…tastes, sensations, feelings, were always a part of her existence. Once experienced, a taste would always be embedded in her memory. And for this woman, this marvelous woman, she was grateful.

Taking a long, slow, silent breath, she inhaled the remnants of their lovemaking. Her eyes drifted shut as she tasted the air. As her eyes opened, she gazed further up her lover’s body. The woman who lay sleeping next to her had abs of steel, but they were hidden under her delicate waist. She could flex those abs and grind for hours against Alice, but in her slumber resembled more of a quiet librarian, innocent and soft.

They were not meant to be together. Nobody could have predicted their union, but the two women knew. They just knew. From the first moment they laid eyes on each other, and indecently eyefucked each other, they knew they could not deny the bond.

Alice’s lips, which an hour ago had been sliding over and over….and over….her lover’s delicious pussy, slowly twitched and parted as her gaze slid upward to the woman’s breasts. “There are no words,” Alice had once told her, “to describe their perfection.” In her lifetime, Alice had seen many breasts, none of which were as symmetrical, as plump, as round, as soft, or as responsive as those that lay bare before her now, slowly rising and falling.

The muscles in her throat itched as her eyes moved upward to the collarbone and then the slight neck that lay exposed before her. Like a two-day-old sunburn, the insides of her throat burned slightly, but not unbearably, as she watched the vein in that delicious neck pulse.

She had trained herself to not focus for more than a few seconds on that pulse point. Her strength had grown in the months since she had first taken this woman to her bed. There had been accidents in the past, accidents that resulted in pain and horror, but for this woman she had remained strong. She knew how much time she could focus on that neck, and moved her gaze upward before that split second had elapsed.

Just above her pulse point, the sleeping woman’s jaw line was exposed, her head turned away from Alice as she lay almost on her back, but slightly tipped away. Her lips were softly pressed together in her slumber, and Alice could not help but shiver as she recalled those warm lips wrapped around her cold clit. Sucking her little bundle in, rolling it around with her tongue……Alice was in awe of that tongue.

Her perfect nose lay just below those perfect deep chocolate eyes.

Alice could see the minute movement of her lover’s eyes beneath the pale eyelids. “She’s dreaming….” Alice thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted, however, she saw the beauty’s lip twitch slightly upward, and an almost whisper escape her opening mouth. Her hips rolled forward slightly, and Alice could smell the aroma that sent shivers down her long-cold spine. Her lover was dreaming about her.

Alice’s fingers gently traced the outline of her lover’s bottom lip, which was now slightly plumping outward as she slumbered. Her forehead turned toward Alice, and those eyes, those magnificent, mesmerizing eyes, gently fluttered open.

“Hi,” the woman breathed as she turned, grinning, toward Alice.

Alice’s eyes danced over the lips, the nose, the ears, the cheekbones, and came to rest their gaze directly on the chocolate eyes that were softening toward her.

“My love, I’m sorry to wake you.”

The woman stretched languidly, pointing her toes then flexing them upward toward the ceiling. The muscles in her abs, her thighs, and her calves tightened before resting even more luxuriously on the wrinkled sheets beneath her. “Please wake me anytime, beautiful.”

The bronze-haired woman turned completely to face Alice, and reached up strongly to cup her hand behind Alice’s neck. “Come here. I told you I wasn’t done with you yet.”

Alice giggled and let herself fall toward her lover, wrapping her arms around the woman and sliding her knee between the woman’s legs. The woman’s mouth found Alice’s neck, and gently sucked the cold flesh before licking a line up from Alice’s shoulder to her earlobe. “God, you’re beautiful. And you smell soooooo good,” she breathed. She inhaled Alice’s sweet scent and moved her lips to the cold lips that were slightly opened in their growing arousal.

Alice’s hips rolled slightly forward against her lover’s thigh. “Mm, baby,” moaned the woman underneath her. Alice wound her fingers through the soft brown locks that lay spread and almost tangled across the pillow. Alice smiled and stuck out the tip of her tongue, playfully licking the tip of her lover’s button nose.

“None of that now, beautiful. You know how I hate that.” And suddenly, Alice felt herself flipping over onto her back, the slight brunette straddling her waist and smiling down at her deliciously. Alice could have resisted the movement, and there would have been nothing the woman could do about it, but Alice loved the feeling of her warm lover on top of her. “I can think of many, many….many things I’d rather you do with that tongue.”

Alice looked at her, unblinking, the right side of her mouth rising. Her eyebrows cocked, Alice replied, “Well why don’t I show you again what this tongue can do.”

Vampires were known for speed. Alice liked to take her time with this woman in bed, but she could not help but move underneath her with lightning speed until her head was directly underneath her lover’s lips. She looked up past the faint line of short pubic hair, kept neat and trimmed, up to the two beautiful orbs and hard nipples, to her lover’s soft face staring down at her with love.

Reaching around the woman’s thighs, Alice lowered the magnificent pussy toward her mouth.

With one quick flick of Alice’s tongue against the glistening clit, the woman above her yelped. “Yes, baby, just like….that.”
Alice loved to give her lover pleasure, but there was just as much pleasure for her when she was licking her. Alice flattened her graceful tongue, and put the tip into her lover’s core. She dragged her tongue slowly, excruciatingly slow, toward the clit that was waiting for her. “Gah, baby, yeah” The hips by her ears started moving backward and forward as Alice captured the clit in her lips and gently sucked, flicking her tongue from side to side just like she knew her lover liked.

“Mmmmmmmm,” Alice moaned, sending vibrations directly onto the little kernel of nerves that she was licking slowly.

Her lover’s head fell backward, her mouth open, as moans and keening wails escaped her mouth. “Fuuuuuuuuck, Alice….”

Alice was far from through with her lover. They had already made love for hours before her the brunette had showered and fallen asleep upon getting back into bed. During that time, Alice had studied her form, her scent, her hair, everything about her. Alice had smiled the whole hour she watched her lover sleep.

The beauty of being a vampire: you never, ever have to come up for air. She wanted to let her lover know just how intensely she loved her, how cherished she was, how phenomenally sexy she was. Alice could lick a clit for hours.

And licking a clit for hours was just plain fun to the vampire.

Her tongue kept up a steady pace tracing tight circles around her lover’s clit. A hand came down to rest on her forehead, and then tightened its grip in her hair. “Baby, that feels…..so….fucking……goooood,” the woman wailed from above her as her eyes closed.

Her tongue flicked quicker. She knew her lover’s signals that an orgasm was approaching. The slight twitch in her thighs, the clenching of her calves, the rhythmic hip rolling had ceased and was becoming more erratic, more forceful. Alice pressed her face up farther into her lover, so tightly that a human could not breathe in that same position. The fingers gripping her hair tightened even more.

Alice flattened her tongue once again and pressed it hard against the clit she was savoring, moving it at lightning speed so it became more of a vibrator than a tongue. The hips above her were rolling again, the orgasm crashing down upon her lover. “Yesssssss! Oh GAWD, Alice! Fuck me! Fuck me!” Alice held the hips tightly, not letting her lover move in the slightest as she ran her tongue over and over the engorged clit she cherished.

She could feel her lover’s orgasm and convulsions from deep within her, but she kept licking intensely as the orgasm waned. She slowed down slightly, because she knew just how sensitive her lover would be after her orgasm. She opened her eyes and looked up, gazing lovingly at her lover’s breasts rising and falling quickly as the woman tried to catch her breath. Alice’s licks slowed down further, became gentler, until she gave one final pass and then pulled her mouth away, smiling. She moved forward slightly, and reached up to run her fingertips up her lover’s sides.

Her lover’s hip rolling was also slowing down as the tingling and intensity of her orgasm faded. Alice looked up and saw the woman lick her lips, and then slowly look down into Alice’s eyes. Smiling, the woman’s voice cracking, she said, “Wow, baby, that was outstanding,” and laughed.

Alice giggled, her amber eyes dancing. “Why thank you, babe.”

“And now, my dear little vampire, it’s time you got yours.” The woman above her lifted up, and slid gracefully down Alice’s body until she was kneeling between her legs.

“I do so love a chilly pussy,” her lover giggled lovingly. “And it looks like your chilly pussy loves me, too,” she stated, smiling, as the pad of her index finger traced a path in Alice’s wetness from her core to her clit. Alice shifted underneath her, lost already in sensory overload from her lover’s one touch.

The brown-haired woman brought her warm face closer to Alice’s lips, blowing out a stream of hot breath onto Alice’s clit. “Let me warm this up for you, baby,” she said, her eyes holding Alice’s gaze.

She knows how much I freaking love that, Alice thought, pressing her head into the pillow, and closing her eyes.

Warm lips kissed Alice’s nerve bundle, and her legs bent so the bottoms of her feet were flat on the bed. She parted her legs as far as her vampire strength would allow, wanting her lover’s hot tongue to touch her everywhere.

“Alice?” Her lover whispered.

Alice’s head was pressed back into her pillow, her body waiting for the warmth she knew was going to come soon. “Yes, baby,” she whispered back, her eyes still pressed shut.

“Look at me.”

Slowly, Alice raised her head, her thoughts going in a million directions at once. She looked down at the beautiful, strong, pale woman between her legs, the woman who was gazing up at her with soft eyes and a devilish grin.

“What, hon?”

There was a long pause. Neither woman moved a muscle. The brunette between her legs lowered her chin slightly, looking up at Alice through her long eyelashes, a sexy smirk pulling her lips upward.

“I love you, Alice.”

She immediately lowered her face, flattening her tongue and rolling it around and around, Alice’s clit.

Alice nearly came off the bed, her back arched upward, pushing her petite breasts toward the ceiling.

“I love you, Bella!” Alice screamed into the night.

Perhaps they would be together forever. Perhaps, as Bella had hinted at for the last few months, Alice could bring herself to change her. But for now, Alice watched her lover tenderly and playfully bring her closer to her orgasm and she knew she was not ready to let go of the warmth of Bella’s body. Not just yet.

Chapter 7 teaser (Warm Me Up, Cool Me Down)

The human smiled up at her lover. Alice could snap her neck with a single finger, she knew it, and yet in their bed Bella felt safest of all places on earth – more than her childhood bedroom, more than in the arms of any of her former lovers. In this bed, with this woman, was where she wanted to spend her eternity.

“May I?” Alice asked, running her fingers under the neckline of Bella’s t-shirt.

“Of course.” The ripping sound tore through the silence of the room, followed closely by Bella’s giggle. “I love it when you do that.”

Alice buried her head between her lover’s pert breasts. Bella’s nipples had grown pebble hard the instant the vampire started kissing her, both from the chill of her touch and from the sheer sensuality of their love. Bella arched her back up and clasped Alice’s head to her. Alice moved to the left breast, licking a trail around the rim of the areola and zeroing in on the tip of Bella’s nipple. She moved her legs to either side of Bella’s hips to straddle her as she gently sucked the beautiful warm skin of her lover’s breast.

“Please Alice…” Bella squirmed. “Take my pants off, baby.”

Without moving from Bella’s nipple, Alice raised her hips up two inches, grabbed hold of Bella’s yoga pants, and ripped them to shreds. Settling back down, she whispered into Bella’s skin, “Better?” before resuming her worship.

“Much,” Bella moaned. “You’re so fucking sexy when you do that.”